In this episode of the Thriving Authors Podcast, I’m giving you a glimpse of last year’s Thriving Authors Summit in the hopes you’ll be inspired to join us for THIS year’s Thriving Authors Summit, a free virtual event happening worldwide August 12-16. Come join the fun!! You can register for free at Once you register, get your notebooks ready & pencils sharpened, because you are going to be so inspired and learn a TON from the 25 amazing speakers I have brought together to share their wisdom & expertise with you. 

This “taste of the summit” episode features my conversation with Kim Argetsinger, who shared so many beautiful gems during her summit talk “The Mindset of Taking Up Space & Sharing Your Work.” 

I especially think you'll enjoy this conversation if you’re ready to break free from the myth of perfectionism and stop waiting until your work is “ready” to share it.

Kim has learned a lot as a successful business coach – plus her career as an actress for over 10 years in Hollywood, booking a dozen commercials and just as many indie films – and she is graciously sharing her nuggets of wisdom with us! You’ll want to hear the powerful mindset trick and mantra that she uses, so that you can let go and not obsess after you've hit publish.

>> If you found this conversation insightful, make sure you sign up for the third-annual Thriving Authors Summit. It’s a completely free virtual five-day summit that I am putting together straight from my heart to yours, happening from August 12-16. I’m talking with experts about everything from overcoming imposter syndrome, to effectively structuring your book, to developing your brand as an author, and much more! Register at for all of the updates and juicy goodness related to this year’s Thriving Authors Summit!

About Kim: Kim Argetsinger is a mindset coach and business mentor with a mission to help you create your version of success and make more money doing what you love. Using her coaching framework of clarity, mindset, strategy and action, Kim helps her clients tap into their unique edge and define and own their role as a CEO to run their business like a business to set themselves up with sustainable, recurring revenue for show-stopping six and seven-figure results. Connect with her on Instagram at @kimargetsinger